Friday, October 23, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
“Golden Reawakening” Rock & Roll Closing Party
The team of Kon Khmer Koun Khmer (Cambodian Films, Cambodian Generation) is pleased to invite you to our ‘’Golden Reawakening’’ Rock & Roll Closing Party. This event will be held on Saturday, October 24th, at the Chinese House located at 45 Sisovath Quay.
Many special guests from the 60’s and 70’s will be attending this unique celebration. After the commentary by our guest speakers, the party will begin with a 60’s and 70’s fashion show. This night will build a bridge between the old and new generations with the fabulous Cambodian songs of the 60’s and 70’s, brought back to life by a Cambodian live band and a DJ set. Everyone is asked to wear the original clothing from that period.
Program of the night :
- 7:00 pm : Remarks by our special guests : Surviving filmmakers Yvon Hem, Ly Bun Yim and Ly You Sreang, Chum Noy from Bophana Center.
- 8:00 pm : 60’s and 70’s Fashion Show designed by Tith Kanitha, coaching by Ms. Dy Saveth
- 9:00 pm : 60’s and 70’s Cambodian Rock & Roll Party with Cambodian live band
- 11:00 pm : 60’s and 70’s Cambodian Rock & Roll DJ Set
Kon Khmer Koun Khmer recently produced “The Twin Diamonds”, a film that was screened at Lux cinema earlier this month. This project was led by Davy Chou, a young French filmmaker whose grandfather, Van Chann, was one of the greatest film producers in Cambodia in the 1960’s.
Entrance is $1. From 6:30 pm until late night.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
60s & 70s Cambodian film festival and exhibition: Golden Reawakening
This event will introduce from October 17th to October 25th this golden era of Cambodian films through biographies, photos and posters of the greatest actors, filmmakers and films. This special event serves as a link between generations and brings together a number of surviving directors and film stars from 1960 to 1975 with many talented young artists from today’s art scene. More than 20 Cambodian artists have created paintings, photographs, drawings and an architectural model based on fragmented memories and limited documentation.
During the festival, 11 films from this golden period will be screened with commentaries from legendary filmmakers Ly Bun Yim, Yvon Hem and Ly You Sreang and the legendary film star Dy Saveth. The organizers are honored to receive permission from HM King-Father Norodom Sihanouk to screen his film “Twilight” (1968) which HM has chosen for the festival. The 11 films include masterpieces “Twelve sisters” by Ly Bun Yim and “The Snake Man” by Tea Lim Koun (who many of us have lost touch with and we have discovered him alive in Canada three weeks ago).The opening reception will take place on Saturday, October 17th, at 6pm.
The Chinese House 45, Sisowath Quay, Phnom Penh
Special guests Mr. Ly Bun Yim and Mrs. Dy Saveth will attend the opening. The exhibition will open every day at 3:00 PM and the films (free entrance) will be screened at 4:00 PM and 7:00 PM.
Kon Khmer Koun Khmer recently produced “The Twin Diamonds” screened at Lux cinema earlier this month, and is led by Davy Chou, a young French filmmaker whose grandfather Van Chann was one of the greatest film producers in Cambodia in the 1960s.Program
Saturday 17 oct.
- 6pm Opening Remarks by: Ly Bun Yim and Dy Saveth
Sunday 18 oct.
- 4pm : Panhcha Por Tevy by Chhea Nuk
- 6pm : Twelve sisters (Puthisen Neang Kongrey) by Ly Bun Yim with Ly Bun Yim, english subtitles
Monday 19 oct.
- 4pm : Pél Dèl Trov Yum by Uong Kan Thuok
- 7pm : Pél Dèl Trov Yum by Uong Kan Thuok
Tuesday 20 oct.
- 4pm : Rattanavong by Biv Chhay Leang
- 7pm : Abul Kasem by Yvon Hem with Yvon Hem
Wednesday 21 oct.
- 4pm : Twilight by HM Norodom Sihanouk
- 7:15pm : Twilight by HM Norodom Sihanouk
Thursday 22 oct.
- 4pm : Tip Sodachan by Lay Nguon Heng
- 7pm : Tip Sodachan by Lay Nguon Heng
Friday 23 oct.
- 4pm : Preah Thinavong by Ly Var
- 7pm : Preah Thinavong by Ly Var with Ly You Sreang, filmmaker and brother of Ly Var
Saturday 24 oct.
- 4pm : Pous troung oon tov by Saravuth
- 6pm : Conference on Cambodian music in the 60s and 70s
- 9pm : Cambodian Rock and Roll Party
Sunday 25 oct.
- 4pm : Puos Keng Kang by Tea Lim Koun with Dy Saveth
- 6pm : A Chey Neang Krot by Tea Lim Koun
Directed by / réalisé par: Chhea Nu, 105 mins, 1971, Color,
Khmer Version / version originale
Understanding that knowledge is the valuable property, both rich and poor people wish to gain it for the daily lives. In the movie a millionaire allows his daughter Tévy to disguise herself as a man in order to participate in the class given by a teacher at Padamok school. Later, the classmates know Tévy a girl. A son of Cham millionaire fall head over heel in love with her but…
Comprenant que le savoir est précieux et utile à tous, un millionnaire permet à sa fille Tévy de se déguiser en garçon pour suivre les cours d’un maître de l’école Padamok. Les camarades de classe vont cependant découvrir sa véritable identité. Un fils de millionnaire musulman (Cham) tombe amoureux d’elle…
Directed by / réalisé par: Ly Bun Yim, 2h, 1968.
Khmer with English subtitles / version originale khmère sous titrée en anglais.
Adaptation of a Cambodian legend: the love of Prince Puthiyen for the giant Princess Kang Rey whom he leaves in order to rescue his mother and his eleven aunts
Adaptation d’une légende khmère mettant en scène l’amour du prince Puthiyen pour la princesse géante Kang Rey qu’il devra quitter afin de sauver la vie de sa mère et de onze tantes।
PEL DEL TROV YUM / The Time to Cry / Le temps des pleurs
Directed by / réalisé par: Uong Kan Thuok,
with Kong Sam Eun and Tith Vichara Dany, 1h35mins 1972,
Khmer version / version khmère
Vichara is Vichet’s girlfriend। But one day, Vichara is forced to marry a rich man in order to clear her mother and sister’s debts. Disappointed with Vichara, Vichet decides to marry Monida, the daughter of a film director and Vichara’s friend...
Vichit et Vichara sont amoureux, mais un jour, Vichara est obligée de se marier avec un homme riche pour rembourser les dettes de sa mère et de sa sœur. Vichit désespéré décide alors de se marier avec Monida, la fille d’un réalisateur et la copine de Vichara…
Directed by / réalisé par: HM King-Father Norodom Sihanouk, 1h09 min, 1968.
Khmer with English subtitles / version originale khmère sous titrée en anglais.
Prince ADIT lives alone in Siem Reap. Because of his malaria, he is nursed by a young girl whose name is SOPHEAP. Indian Princess MAYA MAHARANI who was invited to Cambodian Independence Day visits the Prince at Angkor. The prince accompanies her to see the architecture and sculptures of Angkor Temple and they recall the first time they met. Nowadays, the prince is alone while the Indian princess is a widow so that they both can talk about their love freely without hesitation. But Miss SOPHEAP who is always honest also steals the prince’s heart. Additionally, she refuses to have any relationship with her childhood friend. When Prince ADIT decides to marry Princess MAYA MAHARANI, SOPHEAP seriously breaks down and makes up her mind to commit suicide by jumping into the water. In front of her body, the Prince himself finds out that he really loves SOPHEAP. Princess MAYA MAHARANI returns to India।
Le prince ADIT vit retiré à Siem Reap। Des crises de malaria, fréquentes, l’obligent à prendre à son service SOPHEAP, une jeune infirmière. La princesse indienne MAYA MAHARANI, invitée au Cambodge pour les fêtes de l’indépendance, lui rend visite. Il lui fait découvrir l’architecture des temples d’Angkor et évoque leur première rencontre. Aujourd’hui, le prince, divorcé, et la princesse, veuve, peuvent parler librement de leur amour. Mais la dévouée SOPHEAP aime secrètement le prince. Elle refuse les avances de son ami d’enfance. Le jour où le prince ADIT accepte d’épouser MAYA, SOPHEAP, désespérée, se noie dans un étang. Devant la dépouille de la jeune fille, le prince comprend qu’il l’aimait. La princesse MAYA retourne dans son pays.